Monday, February 7, 2011

The Bathroom is Done!

I have been wanting to decorate the bathroom in our house for quite a while, but for some reason never did. Well, honestly, I have come to learn that decorating my house is a little scary to me. I want it to look good, like what I see in other people's, but for some reason am scared to even try. I came up with the idea of how I wanted to do it and it took me months to actually set aside the time to do it. It sounds crazy I know. What can I say? I have been called worse!

Anyway, here is the bathroom before. This is what it looked like when we bought the house.

The people we bought the house from weren't very clean and I have never been able to get all of the dirt from the seams in that board and there were some spots on the wall where the paint had faded except for where they had something hanging so you could see squares on the wall. It just looked dirty all the time and I didn't like it. I figured if I can't get rid of the dirt, I'll just paint over it!

Here is the finished product...

I am kind of proud to say that I took these pictures myself. They are from last summer when we did some hiking at Brighton with Dad and the family. I knew I wanted to hang flowers in that room and thought that it would be really fun to take them myself.

What do you think? Not too bad for a newbie, huh?


  1. Great job, Amber!! Looks awesome and I love your flower pictures!

  2. Amber, that looks great! I feel the same way about decorating. I watch the shows and read the blogs all the time but when it comes to actually doing it myself... I can't! You might have to help me when we get a house some day!
