Thursday, July 29, 2010


We spent last weekend at Strawberry. The weather was pretty nice, but was just a little too windy to play cards or badmitton like we had hoped to do. Lexi and her friend spent the whole day down at the lake catching crawdads.

The hooked a piece of ham to some fishing line and used a 2x4 as a pole. They did pretty good with it.

Gage wanted to play in the water so bad, but Grandma Cindy put the kibosh on that idea.

Jared had as much, if not more, fun than the kids!

They had that whole bucket full! Gage got mad when they dumped all of them out and back into the water. He got over it quick when they started filling it up again.

Even though I was recording Jared in this video, I like watching Laura. She is so determined to catch one but keeps scaring herself. Jared always makes things look easy Laura. It's not fair, but that's the way it is.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I had this idea of hanging pictures of flowers in my bathroom and I thought that it would be really fun to take the pictures myself. When we went to the Spruces with Dad a couple weeks ago, I took pictures of all the flowers we saw while on our hike. I have narrowed it down to these. Let me know what you think.

I really like this one too, but it is very different from the others.

So I am thinking either 3 or 4 depending on how they are hung. Which ones are your favorite? I have all of these plus few more hanging on the wall in the bathroom now if you need to come see!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Dad and Lu spent last weekend camping at the Spruces in Big Cottonwood Canyon. The rest of the family went up and spent the day with them on Saturday. We went hiking up to Lake Mary and Katherine Lake. When we were done hiking, we went back to the campground and had dinner.

Someone snuck in our picture!

It was beautiful at the lake and the weather couldn't have been better!

Maren was such a trooper! She didn't want to be carried as much as we all thought she would (Lucky Ryan!)

Wesley tried to play in the creek at the campsite, but the water was too cold for him. It was so funny to watch him. He would stick his feet in for about 2 seconds then pull them out. He repeated this a couple times before he decided he didn't like it.

We all had a really good time. Let's do it again next year!

Let's See If This Works

I have wanted to blog for a long time and have actually created a couple but never really got started. I am going to give a go this time. If anyone can help me figure out what I am doing wrong with the template so that I can make the blog look cute, I would greatly appreciate it!